Saturday, May 5, 2012

chalk board wall

We've been re-doing Toot's old room into a kids hang out room and part of that re-doing was painting a chalk board wall. The thought of a plain black wall can be kind of depressing but being in front  of a chalk board wall is SO inspiring!

 To prep the wall for drawing we have to rub chalk on it 

 so fun!
 If you can't tell from my red face I got a spectacular sunburn
 about 15 pieces of chalk later we were done prepping 
This reminds me of a patchwork quilt
 Almost ready for drawing!

 Toots drew this picture of her camera isn't she just...
 Just some of my doodles

Oh how I love ramona!


  1. Very fun!! :) I want to do that in our craftroom this summer! Aw, I love both of your sweet doodles! Wow, I can't believe that Toot's drew that picture of the camera?! AMAZING!!
    Really lovely post darling!


  2. I love your post... and I am so thrilled to have our new chalkboard wall. It just makes me smile to think of all the fun things you all will draw on it :) Love you!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That so cool! I've heard of it but I TOTALLY want to do this now! And if you're wondering why I removed my other comment, I made a mistake in the spacing and it looked weird.


loverly comments!