Wednesday, January 11, 2012

lately loverly

Hello dears,
These past couple days have been so very loverly. School started on Monday and it was very good. My mom came up with a new schedule and it has been working splendidly! Oh and I started drinking coffee to help with not being so tired while doing math and it has definitely worked. Not only has school started but ballet started yesterday and my pre pointe classes started too Im super duper excited! I recently made a rope ladder that leads up to a tree I love to go up there and sit and watch the cars go by 
(wow that sounds like I'm a stalker and I promise I'm not). When the week started I was not excited for school to start but I really think that it was such a loverly week because I
1.Increased my time with God
2.Tried to find my blessings in everything that I did
3.Got back on my regular schedule 
4.And (last but not least) decided to have one of the best weeks of the new year!
Though every week won't be like this Ill just keep counting my blessings and take whatever God has in store for me the next day with a joyous heart.


  1. I love this! :)
    By the way, no you're not a stalker. I *will* tell you though that I've sat from inside my window and watched FedEx people drive down my road. Especially when I have something coming in the mail. Then I'm all-out-ninja and watching them from behind whatever hiding place I can find ;)

  2. hahaha thats awesome! YOu're not a stalker and I climb up in trees and watch people alll the time!!!


    You Know Who

  3. I love this post! I have really loved seeing you spending time with God & choosing JOY! I am not sure I am doing great with "On my honor, I will try..." but I do think the schedule helps :) Thanks for being flexible, loving to learn & being patient with me!


loverly comments!