Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Meet the family pets

Hello dears!
Ok first I want to apologize for not posting very frequently.
And second I thought you should meet the family pets.There are two of them a loud,adventurous,sweet,crazy,cuddly,soft,gray cat named lucy and a big,crazy,loud,playful,rambunctious,Golden Retriever puppy named Penelope (or penny)

 When we first got penny
last October 

This past summer
wow! she has gotten big.

 just too cute!

When we got lucy in 2005
(I like the old wallpaper:)

The little princess on her throne

Toots and I used to like to dress her up...
even though the pics are cute I think we traumatized her.

lots of LOVE and hedgehogs


  1. This was precious! Penny is adorable! and that last picture IS THE CUTEST THING EVER. :))

  2. I love both of your pets! They're so sweet! That first picture of Penny is absolutely PRECIOUS!! :)


loverly comments!