Thursday, December 29, 2011

So who is Toots?

So today as I was eating a very fine breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes a strange thought occurred to me, all this time you might have been wondering "why in the world is this blog called 
"The Adventures of Babycakes AND Toots" when every post 
(except the first one) is signed Babycakes" well the answer is…
(ok so right now I really want to say that Toots is my sister who is a secret agent who had to leave me after the first post to go save the world on a dangerous mission in the Bermuda Triangle but     
no that would be a lie) instead … Toots is my wonderful sister who is ever so patient with me and saves me from boredom every day."the Adventure of Babycakes and Toots" started out as a partner blog with Toots but it was really hard to find a window of available time for both of us to sit down and post so… Toots just gave me the blogging part to me and she would be the photographer.  
Ok on one last thing to Clarify is you haven't read the first "Toots" is not pronounced like the Bodily function caused by eating too many beans rather pronounced like the beginning of the word "tootsieroll". Wow that feels good to clear all that up.
I hope you enjoyed this post!
Lots of LOVE,and a big hug

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha I would've been tempted to say that my sister was a secret agent as well, so you are not alone ;)

    Love always, JC <3


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